1:00 PM

1995 again

Posted by Tatyana

I swear it wasn't  on purpose I had nothing to do with it; once again in a vote on which portrayal of a P&P character is the best, the 1995 version from BBC comes out on top. This time it was Mr. Wickham and Adrian Lukis won with 53% of the votes.
As I've already revealed elsewhere in this blog my personal favorite Mr. Wickham is the one from Lost in Austen. Imho they gave this otherwise nasty character a very nice twist, making him into a rather nice chap quite deserving of our love and sympathy. And even though in so doing they naturally took a considerable detour from Jane Austen's original storyline, I think they've still managed to preserve the spirit of the original text. The Mr. Wickham in Lost in Austen gets mistreated, but he don't breath a word to no one because a lady's honor is at stake, the lady being Mr. Darcy's sister; a bit more pride.
  But, alas, it's still a departure from the original masterpiece, even though it kind of gets lost against the backdrop of the rest of the series, after all Amanda Price is no Elizabeth Bennett. Nonetheless, perhaps the inclusion of Tom Riley in this poll was a mild attempt at humor on my part and it has to be admitted as far as serious adaptations are concerned  that Adrian Lukis' interpretation of Mr. Wickham  is perhaps the closest to the image one might picture reading the book. He's fairly handsome, especially in uniform and you can see how a young girl can fall for him, but there's still something rotten in his smile and in the way he looks at you, nice to look at but as soon as you scratch the surface you're overcome by the putrid stench of excrements.
Well done Adrian, congrats.

I guess I should probably try and find the emails of all the actors that were voted number 1 in our polls and send them congratulatory emails or something.


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