2:05 AM

Becoming Jane

Posted by Tatyana

Becoming Jane expands on events from Jane Austen's life that may have shaped her fiction. In 1795, 20-year-old Jane is an aspiring author. Her parents married for love, and money is tight. They hope to see their youngest daughter make a more lucrative match, and there's a besotted local, Mr. Wisley , who would be happy to oblige. Unfortunately, Jane isn't interested. Then, she meets brash law student Tom, while he's staying with relatives in rural Hampshire. As in many Austen novels, it isn't love at first sight--but rather irritation. Just as affection begins to bloom, Tom has to return to London, and Wisley, whose financial prospects are superior, proposes. To complicate matters, Tom's uncle disapproves of the outspoken young lady just as much as Wisley's aunt. Had Austen penned the script, Tom and Wisley would be combined into one person, but life doesn't work that way--and nor does Becoming Jane.

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